Joint Ministerial Committee (European Union Negotiations), Manchester, 28 June 2019


04 July 2019


Jeremy Miles AM, Counsel General and Brexit Minister




I represented the Welsh Government at a meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee (EU Negotiations) on Friday 28 June in Manchester. The meeting focused on Negotiations, the Intergovernmental Relations Review and Common Frameworks. The communique issued following the meeting and can be found at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/813216/2019-06-07_Communique_for_JMC_EN___28_June.pdf


During the discussion on negotiations, I reiterated the Welsh Government’s position in terms of our call for a further referendum (during which we would campaign for remain) to avoid a disastrous no-deal scenario. I noted that although preparations were being made for that no-deal scenario despite that not being UK Government policy, no preparations were being made for a referendum, which is also not UK Government policy. I urged the UK Government to make those preparations.


I also called for a process to manage intergovernmental negotiations around international treaties such as those securing reciprocal voting rights in local government elections which had recently been concluded with Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg.


And I emphasised that for all international negotiations affecting devolved matters, the UK Government needed to commit to not normally proceeding with a UK negotiating position without the agreement of the other governments of the UK.


Following discussion of progress on the Intergovernmental Relations Review, the UK Government yesterday published the draft principles for relations alongside the commitment I had pressed for to design a system for dispute resolution which works for all parts of the UK and includes an independent element. The documents are available at:





I welcome publication of the principles. They are the product of the workstream led by Welsh Government officials. However, I am disappointed with the overall progress of the Intergovernmental Relations Review to date. I have written, jointly with the Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations at the Scottish Government, to the UK Government to set out the next steps we expect to be taken on the Review.


We also discussed at the meeting the good progress that had been made on Common Frameworks. Further information has been published about this and can be found here: http://qna.files.parliament.uk/ws-attachments/1136451/original/Frameworks%20Products%20Update%20.pdf.


I highlighted the need for a clear publication and engagement plan as this work continues, and I will keep Members fully informed.